Master Bedroom Update: For Adults Only

Okay, there’s nothing dirty going on by any means, but I have begun my master bedroom transformation from the lost design choices I made that made this room seem cluttered, under-developed, and maybe even a little immature.  It didn’t feel like a master bedroom, but more like a bunch of hand-me-down stuff thrown together in a nice enough way that no one would notice but me.  dscn1232The way that the room was laid out left me very little space to move around.  The bedside tables I had actually gotten from Goodwill for $15 before I went off to Governor’s School when I was 17.  For the past 4 years, they had been collecting a serious amount of dust.  Furthermore, the “bookcase” you see on the frame wall is actually a CD rack that my ex left behind when he moved out.  Any change in the area 3 feet around it, and books would fall down at the drop of a hat.  I was ripping my hair out and knew that I had to get an actual bookcase but you know my cheap butt was not about to shell out $50 for a book cubby.

I needed fresh perspective on my room, so I did what I do best: I hit Facebook to get some outside suggestions from my friends.  I loved the comments that I received and I was able to run with a few of the ideas.  For example, changing the floorplan of the room.

I moved my bed from my far wall to the wall in front of the window and I did not center the bed.  I totally removed the night stands and “bookcase” and threw them out into the Bermuda Triangle that is the space next to my community dumpster.  Within an hour, everything was gone.  I moved my dresser so it was beside my bed and it really opened up a ton of space in the room.  Why didn’t I think of this?

100413144059The futon was alongside the window but I moved it to the foot of the bed so that I not only use it for putting on shoes but it will be a great lounge spot for whenever I get television in my room.

100413144120I paired it with a cute basket I found at World Market for $14.99 that anchors it down and keeps my throws in storage.  I removed all of the art from the walls an patched up the holes and did a little touch up paint around the walls and baseboards.

100113162455I am still debating on what to do with the rest of my wall space exactly, but for right now, I am good with keeping things minimal.

100413144152One thing I did not change about my room was the frame wall.  It is to this day one of my favorite projects done in the Treehouse.  However, underneath the frames, I have a new bookcase I got from Big Lots for quite a deal…only $15.  I brought in my lamp from the guest room and set up my jewelry trees so I have easy access to the mirrors in my room.

100413144359Originally, I was going to paint a cool herringbone design on the back of the bookcase, however, the paint was not sticking to the material, so I scratched that idea and “wallpapered” the back of the bookcase with gift wrap.  Whenever I get tired of the design, I can always change it out.

100413144208My dresser originally had a mirror on the back of it that was really bringing the room down a few notches.  I am going to keep the mirror in storage until I can find a clever way to use it, however, I had two great pieces of wood to create a shelf just like the one in my mood board.  I bought a $4 shelf from Home Depot, had it cut to size and then fixed it into a leaning shelf system for my alarm clock and journals.  The birdcage memo board I got from Pier One imports and will have some special pictures and notes on it eventually. Right now I just like the design of it.  I am definitely gravitating from beachy to more light and bird-inspired.

100413144243Finally, I got this awesome (and machine washable) quilt set from Anna’s Linens for under $30!  I took everyone’s advice when I changed out the bedding, and took out the bed skirt.  It definitely makes the feeling more airy and less weighed down.  And yes, Hootie the owl has a new nap spot.

The jute rug I got from World Market, as well.  It was 50% off.  Woot woot!  That’s how I roll.


I still need to get art up on the walls, stencil the pattern, create my little entertainment center, and add curtains before I put a fork in this room, but it’s already leaps and bounds above the previous layout of my room.  Thanks for the suggestions everybody!


Posted in DIY

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