Caught in Your Web Table Runner

I love the feedback I am getting on my Facebook from my post yesterday.  It was a lot of fun sharing my Halloween house with you all.  Today I wanted to break down some of the DIY that went into creating the spooky scene.

I am a table runner addict.  Why? I don’t know, but there is just something really cool about a little table covering.  So when I found this awesome idea for a spiderweb table runner on Pinterest, I had to give it a try. First thing’s first…all you’re going to need is half a yard of black felt and a good pair of scissors.  The sharper, the better.

First, I sketched out the pattern for my spiderweb.  It doesn’t have to be too detailed as long as you have an idea of what you’re going to do once the pattern actually hits the felt.

Cut out the pattern.  Now, here’s what I would do differently.  I would not go in and draw out the details of the web, I would just cut out the outline and then place it on the felt that way I can save some time.  At this point, I was already burned out on cutting, and I hadn’t even gotten around to the actual table runner.  Something to think about.

Time to pull out the felt!  Cut the runner to the desired length and width.  Then use a white crayon (trust me, if you use a fabric pencil, you’re wasting your time) to trace an outline of the actual runner or else your spiderweb is going to look more like a snowflake.  You need the edge to make it look more put together.  After the border is drawn in, start tracing the web design onto the felt, and connect one web to another through the points so that it looks like this.

Now, you can actually draw the lines so that the webs connect to each other and you have an actual guide for cutting.  Very easy. See?  You really didn’t have to cut out all the web pattern on the paper.  Save your thumb some energy.  It’s going to need it, believe me.

After that, it’s time to start cutting!  Use the pattern you drew out as your guide and start at one corner and work your way down.

You will be picking felt fuzzies up, and your thumb may go numb.  This is an easy project, but it does take a physical toll on you.  Sit back, put in a couple of movies, stay hydrated and embrace your new-found appreciation for what real spiders can actually do overnight.  Once you’re done, enjoy the fruits of your labor on the table.

Gorgeous!  And it will last quite a while.  The total for this project? $1.99.  Can’t beat the value of a little sweat equity.

Have any other great Halloween decor ideas?  I want to hear about them!

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8 thoughts on “Caught in Your Web Table Runner

  1. Pingback: Spookify Your Home « Our Life In Action

  2. Pingback: Giving Thanks Table Runner | Living Young & Wild & Free

  3. Pingback: A Haunted House | Living Young & Wild & Free

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