Framed to Perfection

Happy Monday, all.  I was quite the busy bee over the weekend.  I can’t wait to show you all that I did, but today I am going to bring the focus back to the mirror wall in the master bedroom.  I am happy to say that the framing project is complete, and that I am quite happy with it. 

The best part? It cost me absolutely nothing but time to do it.  I began by laying out the frames using books and other frames I had lying around the house…you can find out more in this post.  Then I used the inspiration decals for the actual frames.  I do believe they turned out beautifully!  Even though they are different styles, they fit together because of the same paint color.

I mixed FolkArt acrylics for the project: Licorice and Metallic Silver Sterling for an added shine.  You can find FolkArt paints at any store, but I believe I picked these up at WalMart a few years ago and they were just waiting for the perfect project.

Progress shot

The biggest challenge of this was keeping my hand steady throughout, especially around the parts where there was already paint.  A good tip: start at the top left and work to the bottom right so you won’t have to worry about your hand touching the painted areas.  I am proud to report that I didn’t get paint on me once. 🙂

The beauty of this is the imperfections of the frames.  As a whole, they look simply gorgeous, but if you get up close, you will notice the details are a little flawed, but it adds some character and a homemade feel as opposed to the clean lines of the decals.

I love this little trio of frames…

I haven’t decided yet if I am actually going to put song quotes in them yet.  They are just too beautiful on their own.  Something about minimalism is starting to speak to me.  I think I am going to leave them up for a week or two on their own and see if they can just remain that way before I start playing with the idea of art inside of them.

Oh how they shine!  I can’t get over how easy this project was and how cheap!

Total Time: 3.5 hours

Total Budget: $0 if you already have the paint. $5 if you don’t! 🙂

Here’s the after shot!  It really does balance out the wall now.  Here’s the “before.”

What an improvement!  I am excited about what is next in my little bubble of tranquility.

So, what did you guys do over the weekend?  Work on any fun projects or recipes?  Just slept it away (unlike me)?  I want to hear about it!

3 thoughts on “Framed to Perfection

  1. Pingback: And At the End of the 3rd Quarter: Home Update | Living Young & Wild & Free

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